On FPGA memory block optimization

So this is something that bit me in the ass pretty hard recently until someone far more experienced than me on Twitter was able to help me through optimizing my crappy code, and so I figured I’d make a blog post about it. In Verilog, there’s a concept of a memory. A memory is basicallyContinue reading “On FPGA memory block optimization”

Day 6: The VCP, VRAM, & Clock Domain Issues

So over the last couple of days I started work on the video co-processor (from here on I think I’ll refer to as the VCP) of the Athena. The goal of this co-processor is to get two independently scrolling tilemap layers, 128 sprites, and 256 onscreen colors. This turned out to be a bit ofContinue reading “Day 6: The VCP, VRAM, & Clock Domain Issues”

Day 4: The memory bus and a running CPU program

So last time I got a Motorola 68K up and running, cycling through its entire address space and attempting to execute a dummy instruction. However, in order to get the CPU running an actual program, I need to hook up an actual bus to it. I ended up having to do a hell of aContinue reading “Day 4: The memory bus and a running CPU program”

Day 3: Free-running a Motorola 68K

So today I set about getting a Motorola 68K up and running on my FPGA board. My goal was relatively simple: just get an M68K working, fed dummy 0 values on its data pins and tying the top two bits of its output address pins to a pair of LEDs. As the M68K runs, itContinue reading “Day 3: Free-running a Motorola 68K”

Day 2: FPGA time!

So today my FPGA board arrived! I’m excited because this means I finally get to start experimenting with actually designing all of the Athena’s modules for real now and seeing them in action. Of course, the very first thing I wanted to do was just figure out how to program the thing and make someContinue reading “Day 2: FPGA time!”

Introducing Athena: My FPGA retro game console project

Normally, I’m a software engineer. In particular, I specialize in architecting netcode for games. A few weeks ago, I departed a job doing just that at Super Bit Machine – the game I worked on for two years was successfully launched and I’m quite proud of the work I did on it. That said, havingContinue reading “Introducing Athena: My FPGA retro game console project”