Day 2: FPGA time!

So today my FPGA board arrived! I’m excited because this means I finally get to start experimenting with actually designing all of the Athena’s modules for real now and seeing them in action. Of course, the very first thing I wanted to do was just figure out how to program the thing and make someContinue reading “Day 2: FPGA time!”

Day 1: SNES Gamepad Protocol Tinkering

Continuing my series of talking about my adventures in building an FPGA game console, today I’ll talk about how I familiarized myself with the SNES gamepad serial protocol and got a working physical hardware prototype of being able to query the button states. Now, unfortunately, my FPGA board still hasn’t arrived (it’s scheduled to arriveContinue reading “Day 1: SNES Gamepad Protocol Tinkering”